Osman Gazi Anatolian High School serves for nearly 800 children aged between 14-18. It provides public education for
the secondary level. The school is built in 8677m2 area, very close to KARATEPE OPEN AIR MUSEUM which contains
the first bilingual hieroglyphics and provides many facilities for children such as farming, gardening, sportive and artistic activities, courses of language, ICT and general lessons. The school has three departments: social sciences, science and foreign languages. Besides students involved in local, national and international competitions in the several branches of sports and art. The school building is 1322.09m2 and has 24 classes, ICT lab, Art study, conference hall, library and school canteen. Besides the classes are donated with high technology and ICT equipment such as smart screen, Internet Access…etc.That will support running a modern and develop teaching in classes and involving children in ICT. Under the partnership of Erasmus + Strategic Partnership for School Education, we run 5 Erasmus and E
HABİTS İN SCHOOL EDUCATİON” which aims to impose have a fit and healthy life and combining food and
technology, GIS-GENDER INEQUALITY IN SCHOOLS which leads a democratic life in schools and creates equality
among children, A PLURAL AND ENRICHING COMMUNITY which creates a multicultural school and raises children
with empathy and tolerance, REMEDY which focuses on the effect of education on war victim children and women and
FRIENDSHIP IS IN, CYBERBULLYING IS OUT which shows the negative effects of cyberbullying and misuse of the
Internet and secure internet usage. These projects carry our school onto the international platform and make our school keep in touch with our foreign colleagues and students and make our school“EUROPEAN CITIZEN”.The project
coordinator Hatice ÖNCÜL DÖNMEZ is an English teacher and legal representative Cavit ONAT both join the national
and international meetings and run activities inside and outside the school. Our history teacher Mustafa YANALAK will
lead us including the museums into learning, arrange visits and hold activities inside museums. Our ICT teacher Kubily
YANIK will teach new applications and tools, how to use them and apply secure internet use. Mesude IŞIKLI will
contribute our project with ART and DESIGN. The project products will be run under her guidance and experience.